Jammu and Kashmir State Board


UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement

UNIT II: Kinematics

UNIT III: Laws of Motion

UNIT IV: Work, Energy, and Power

UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

UNIT VI: Gravitation

UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics

UNIT IX: Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

  • Gas Laws: Boyle’s law,
  • Charles’s law,
  • ideal gas law
  • Kinetic Theory: Postulates,
  • real gas deviations

UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves

  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Characteristics,
  • equations
  • Waves: Types,
  • speed,
  • frequency,
  • wavelength
  • Sound Waves: Properties,
  • Doppler effect

UNIT XI: Electromagnetic Waves

  • Nature of Electromagnetic Waves: Speed,
  • spectrum
  • Applications: Communication,
  • medical applications

UNIT XII: Optics


UNIT I: Electrostatics

UNIT II: Current Electricity

UNIT III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

UNIT IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

  • AC Circuits: Reactance,
  • impedance,
  • resonance
  • Induction: Transformers,
  • applications

UNIT V: Optics

UNIT VI: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

UNIT VII: Atoms and Nuclei

  • Atomic Models: Rutherford,
  • Bohr,
  • quantum models
  • Radioactivity: Types,
  • decay laws,
  • half-life

UNIT VIII: Electronic Devices

  • Semiconductors
  • Diodes,
  • transistors
  • Applications: Rectifiers,
  • amplifiers


UNIT I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

  • Mole Concept: Definition,
  • molar mass,
  • stoichiometry
  • Laws of Chemical Combination: Conservation of mass,
  • definite and multiple proportions

UNIT II: Structure of Atom

  • Atomic Models: Rutherford,
  • Bohr
  • Quantum Numbers: Types,
  • electron configuration

UNIT III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

  • Periodic Table: Classification,
  • periodic trends

UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

  • Types of Bonds: Ionic,
  • covalent,
  • metallic
  • Molecular Shapes:
  • VSEPR theory
  • hybridization

UNIT V: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

  • Gas Laws: Ideal gas law,
  • real gases
  • Liquids: Vapor pressure,
  • surface tension

UNIT VI: Thermodynamics

  • Thermodynamic Processes: Isothermal,
  • adiabatic
  • Enthalpy
  • Calculation,
  • Hess’s law
  • Gibbs Free Energy: Concept,
  • applications

UNIT VII: Equilibrium

UNIT VIII: Redox Reactions

  • Oxidation and Reduction: Definitions,
  • balancing redox reactions
  • Electrochemical Cells: Galvanic cells,
  • electrolytic cells,
  • standard electrode potentials

UNIT IX: Hydrogen and s-Block Elements

  • Hydrogen: Properties,
  • reactions,
  • isotopes
  • s-Block Elements: Properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses of alkali and alkaline earth metals

UNIT X: Organic Chemistry

  • Classification and Nomenclature: Alkanes
  • Alkenes
  • Alkynes
  • aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Organic Reactions: Mechanisms,
  • types (addition,
  • substitution,
  • elimination)

UNIT XI: Environmental Chemistry

  • Pollution: Types (air,
  • water,
  • soil),
  • causes,
  • effects,
  • control measures
  • Green Chemistry: Principles,
  • applications


UNIT I: Solid State

  • Types of Solids: Crystalline,
  • amorphous
  • Crystal Lattices: Unit cells,
  • packing efficiency

UNIT II: Solutions

  • Concentrations: Molarity,
  • molality
  • Colligative Properties
  • Boiling point elevation,
  • freezing point depression

UNIT III: Electrochemistry

UNIT IV: Chemical Kinetics

UNIT V: Surface Chemistry

  • Adsorption: Types,
  • applications
  • Catalysis: Homogeneous,
  • heterogeneous

UNIT VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

  • Metallurgy: Extraction,
  • purification methods

UNIT VII: p-Block Elements

  • Groups 15 and 16 Elements: Properties,
  • reactions

UNIT VIII: d and f Block Elements

  • Transition Elements: Properties,
  • compounds
  • Lanthanoids and Actinoids: Characteristics,
  • applications

UNIT IX: Coordination Compounds

UNIT X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

  • Nomenclature: Properties,
  • reactions

UNIT XI: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

UNIT XII: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

  • Amines: Classification,
  • properties
  • Cyanides and Isocyanides: Properties,
  • reactions

UNIT XIII: Biomolecules

UNIT XIV: Polymers

  • Types: Addition,
  • condensation
  • Polymerization: Methods,
  • properties

UNIT XV: Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • Applications: Medicine,
  • food,
  • cleaning agents


UNIT I: Sets and Functions

UNIT II: Algebra

UNIT III: Coordinate Geometry

UNIT IV: Calculus

  • Limits
  • Definition,
  • standard limits
  • Differentiation: Techniques,
  • derivatives of standard functions,
  • applications (rate of change, tangents, normals)
  • Applications: Tangents, normals, rate of change

UNIT V: Statistics and Probability

  • Statistics: Mean,
  • median,
  • mode,
  • variance,
  • standard deviation
  • Probability: Basic concepts,
  • probability axioms,
  • conditional probability,
  • Bayes’ theorem

UNIT VI: Linear Inequalities

  • Linear Inequalities in Two Variables: Graphical representation,
  • solutions
  • Applications: Real-life problems

UNIT VII: Conic Sections

  • Parabola: Standard form,
  • properties
  • Ellipse: Standard form,
  • properties
  • Hyperbola: Standard form,
  • properties

UNIT VIII: Three-Dimensional Geometry


UNIT I: Relations and Functions

UNIT II: Algebra

UNIT III: Calculus

  • Differentiation: Techniques,
  • applications (tangent,
  • normal,
  • rate of change)
  • Integration: Techniques,
  • definite and indefinite integrals,
  • applications (area under curve,
  • volume)

UNIT IV: Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry

UNIT V: Probability

  • Probability Distributions: Binomial,
  • normal distributions
  • Conditional Probability:
  • Bayes’ theorem
  • applications


UNIT I: Diversity in Living World

  • Classification: Hierarchical classification,
  • taxonomic ranks
  • Kingdoms: Characteristics of plants,
  • animals,
  • microorganisms

UNIT II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants

UNIT III: Cell Structure and Function

UNIT IV: Plant Physiology

  • Transport: Xylem,
  • phloem,
  • transpiration
  • Photosynthesis
  • Light-dependent and independent reactions
  • Respiration
  • Aerobic,
  • anaerobic,
  • glycolysis,
  • Krebs cycle
  • Growth and Development: Hormones,
  • growth regulators

UNIT V: Human Physiology

  • Digestive System: Anatomy and processes
  • Respiratory System: Mechanisms and gas exchange
  • Circulatory System: Heart,
  • blood vessels,
  • blood
  • Excretory System:
  • Organs and processes
  • Nervous System
  • Structure and function


UNIT I: Reproduction

  • Plant Reproduction: Types,
  • processes
  • Animal Reproduction: Reproductive health,
  • methods

UNIT II: Genetics and Evolution

  • Inheritance: Mendelian principles,
  • genetic disorders
  • Evolution: Theories,
  • evidence

UNIT III: Biology and Human Welfare

  • Health: Diseases,
  • immunity
  • Food Production: Agriculture,
  • biotechnology

UNIT IV: Biotechnology and Its Applications

UNIT V: Ecology and Environment

  • Ecosystems: Structure,
  • function
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation,
  • environmental issues