Atomic Nucleus
Magnify $10^{15}m$
$10^{-18}cm \rightarrow 10^{10}m$
Charge Quantization
Isotopes and Isobars
All electric charges come in integer multiples of a fundamental charge unit
$Q=n|e| ; n=0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \cdots$
Electron: $\mathrm{n}=-1$
Proton: $\mathrm{n}=1$
Nucleus: $n=Z=i, 2,3 \ldots \ldots$.
Neutrality of atoms
figure: Interatomic potential (schematic)
Electrically Neutral
Electrically neutral $|$ Electrically neutral
$\left|\frac{q_p}{q_e}\right|-1 \mid<10^{-22}$
Periodic Table
Mass - Charge mismatch
Where does the extra mass come form?
What holds the protons together?
What, ultimately, are the constituents of a nucleus?
Figure: Periodic table
Electrons in the nucleus
New electrically neutral particle
Appeal to experiments
$ve \rightarrow $ Atomic electron
protons + nuclear electrons
74 ${}^w183$
$e^-$ in the Atomic orbi + 183 protons in the nucleur + 109 electrons in the nucleur
Carbon (6) : 12, 13, 14
Hydrogen (1) 1, 2, 3
Polonium (84): 186-227 (33 isotopes)
Experiments of Chadwick
Bombard the nucleus
Elastic and Inelastic Scatterings
Total kinetic energy wise be conserved
Total momentum is conserved.
Inelastic Scattering
Precursors: Joliot Curie and Marie Curie
Bombard light element such as Boron and Beryllium with particles
$\alpha$ particles (were obtained from the radioactive decay of Polonium.
Energies:$\sim 5 \mathrm{MeV}$
200 $\rightarrow \alpha - particle$
4.5 MeV to $\frac {5.8 \sim 6}{MeV}$
Bombard hight atomas
Experimental Results
Protons and neutral radiation
Neutral particles had great penetrating power (greater than X - Rays).
The neutral radiation could further eject electrons from a number of protons.
Now radiation was observed.
Two components
-Changed -Neutral
Neutral Radiation
Curies: Photons (Compton scattering analogy)
Chadwick: They were new kind of particles with mass almost same as of protons (Energy Momentum conservation)
$M_n \approx 1.15 M_p(10 % \text { error }) $
$M_n=1.001 M_p(\text { Current Value })$
Compton Effect
$ \varepsilon_\gamma=h \nu $
$ p_\gamma=\frac{h \nu}{c}$
Compton scattering is elastic scatering between photons & electrons
$\lambda^{\prime} \cdot \theta$
Thank you