Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
Axioms of probability
- The following three axioms - 1. P(E) $\geq$ 0 for all E $\in$ C - 2. P(S) = 1 - 3. let E_1, E_2,.... be pairwise disjoint events then - $P(\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} E_i)=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} P\(E_i)$ - a,b,c are disjoint events - $ P(A \cup B)=P(A)+P(B) $ - $ P(A \cup B \cup C)=P(A)+P(B)+P(C)$
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
Addition rule of probability
- Let $A$ and $B$ be any two events. Then - $P(A \cup B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A \cap B)$ - Proof: $ ~ $ We can write - $A \cup B=A \cup(B-(A \cap B))$ - So $P(A \cup B)= P(A) + P(B-(A \cap B)) $ - = $ P(A)+P(B)-P(A \cap B)$
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
Probability a monotonic function
- $E= F \cup(E-F) $ - $P(E)= P(F)+P(E-F) $ - So $ P(E-F)=P(E)-P(F) \geq 0 $ - $\Rightarrow P(E) \geq P(F) $ - i.e probability is a monotone function.
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
- 3) $E \cup E^c=S $ - $P(E)+P\left(E^c\right)=P(S)=1 $ - $\Rightarrow P\left(E^c\right)=1-P(E) $

Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
Addition rule of probability extension to 3 events
- Extension to 3 events: $A, B, C$ - $ P(A \cup B \cup C)=P(A \cup B)+P(C)-P((A \cup B) \cap C) $ - $ =P(A)+P(B)-P(A \cap B)+P(C) $ - $ \quad-P((\underbrace{A \cap C)} \cup(B \cap C)) $ - $ =P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(A \cap B) $ - $ \quad-\quad(P(A \cap C)+P(B \cap C)-P((A \cap C) \cap(B \cap C))) $ - $ =P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(A \cap B)-P(A \cap C) $ - $ \quad-P(B \cap C)+P(A \cap B \cap C)$

Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
General addition rule
- Let $A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n$ be any events. Then - $P(\bigcup_{i=1}^n A_i)=\sum_{i=1}^n P(A_i)-\underset{i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
General addition rule proof
- Proof: We will prove the relation (1) using the principle of mathematical induction. - P(1) - $P(K) \rightarrow P(K+1)$ - For $n=1$, the statement (1) becomes - $P(A_1)=P(A_1)$ which always holds true. - Next we assume the statement (1) to be true for $n=k$. Then we prove it for $n=k+1$
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
General addition rule proof
- $ P(\bigcup_{i=1}^{k+1} A_i)=P((\underbrace {\bigcup_{i=1}^k A_i}) \cup A_{k+1}) $ - $ = P(\bigcup_{i=1}^k A_i)+P(A_{k+1})-P((\bigcup_{i=1}^k A_i) \cap A_{k+1})$ - (by addition rule for two events) - $ =\sum_{i=1}^k P(A_i)-\underset{i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
General addition rule proof
- $ =\sum_{i=1}^{k+1} P(A_i) - \underset{i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
General addition rule proof
- $= \sum_{i=1}^{k+1} P(A_i)- \underset{i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
- Suppose six cards are drawn one by one with replacement from a well shuffled pack if 52 cards. We want bo find out the probability that in this set of six cards each of the four suits (heart, spades club, diamond) appear.
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
- (Using the general addition ). - Let A denote the event that the set of six cards contains at least one card of each suit . - Then $A^c \rightarrow$ at least one suit does not appear in the set $\eta$ six cards. - Let, - $B_1 \rightarrow$ hearts do not appear - $B_2 \rightarrow$ spades do not appear - $B_3 \rightarrow$ clubs do not appear - $B_4 \rightarrow$ diamonds do not appear - Then $ A^c=\bigcup_{i=1}^4 B_i$
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
- By general addition rule - $P(A^c) = P(\bigcup_{i=1}^4 B_i) $ - $= \sum_{i=1}^4 P(B_i) - \underset{i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
- $ P(B_i \cap B_j \cap B_k) = (\frac{1}{4})^6, \quad (1 \leq i
Probability Some Rules Of Probability L-3
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