Zero Matrix:
Square Matrix:
Row Matrix:
Column Matrix:
Diagonal Matrix:
Identity Matrix:
Upper Triangular Matrix:
Lower Triangular Matrix:
Symmetric Matrix:
Skew-Symmetric Matrix:
Matrices can be added or subtracted if they have the same dimensions.
To add or subtract matrices, add or subtract corresponding elements.
A =
B =
A + B =
Similarly, matrices can be subtracted using the same rule.
Scalar multiplication involves multiplying each element of a matrix by a constant (scalar).
To multiply a matrix by a scalar, multiply each element by the scalar value.
A =
c = 3
c * A =
Matrix multiplication is different from scalar multiplication.
In matrix multiplication, the product of two matrices is calculated by taking the dot product of rows and columns.
A =
B =
A * B =
Note that for matrix multiplication, the number of columns in the first matrix should be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.