Genetics and Evolution

Molecular Basis of Inheritance


Production of mature mRNA


Importance of RNA processing


Pre-mRNA splicing


Addition of a 5’ cap


Addition of a poly-A tail


Synthesis of primary transcript


Removal of introns


Formation of spliceosome complex


Recognition of intron/exon boundaries

Slide 11

Addition of a 5’ cap

Slide 12

Addition of a poly-A tail

Slide 13

Synthesis of primary transcript

Slide 14

Removal of introns

Slide 15

Formation of spliceosome complex

Slide 16

Recognition of intron/exon boundaries

Slide 17

Importance of RNA processing

Slide 18

Pre-mRNA splicing

Slide 19

Production of mature mRNA

Slide 20

Regulation of RNA processing

Slide 21

Regulation of gene expression

Slide 22

Transcriptional regulation

Slide 23

Post-transcriptional regulation

Slide 24

Epigenetic regulation

Slide 25

Examples of gene regulation

Slide 26

Gene expression and development

Slide 27

Molecular basis of genetic diseases

Slide 28

Gene therapy and genetic engineering

Slide 29

Population genetics and evolution

Slide 30

Human evolution