Slide 1: Introduction to Biomolecules


Slide 2: Basics of Protein Structure


Slide 3: Tertiary Structure of Proteins


Slide 4: Quaternary Structure of Proteins


Slide 5: Assembly of Quaternary Structure


Slide 6: Examples of Proteins with Quaternary Structure


Slide 7: Techniques to Study Quaternary Structure


Slide 8: Importance of Quaternary Structure


Slide 9: Diseases Associated with Quaternary Structure


Slide 10: Summary

  1. Roles of Quaternary Structure in Biological Systems
  1. Modulation of Quaternary Structure
  1. Homomers vs. Heteromers
  1. Allosteric Regulation and Quaternary Structure
  1. Protein-Protein Interactions
  1. Designing Protein Complexes
  1. Protein Aggregation and Disease
  1. Structural Determinants of Protein-Protein Interactions
  1. Dynamics of Protein Complexes
  1. Conclusion