Light Reflection and Refraction
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following can make a parallel beam of light when light from a point source is incident on it? (a) Concave mirror as well as convex lens
(b) Convex mirror as well as concave lens
(c) Two plane mirrors placed at $90^{\circ}$ to each other
(d) Concave mirror as well as concave lens
Answer (d) Concave mirror as well as concave lens Explanation When point source of a light is focused to a convex or concave mirror emergent rays make a parallel beam of light.Show Answer
(a) $-30 cm$
(b) $-20 cm$
(c) $-40 cm$
(d) $-60 cm$
Answer (b) $-20 cm$ Explanation Here, size of object $=O=+10.0 mm=+1.0 cm$ (as, $1 cm=10 mm)$ Size of Image size $=I=5.0 mm=0.5 cm$ Image distance, $v=-30 cm$ (as image is real) Let, object distance $=u$ Focal length, $f=$ ? Magnification $m=\dfrac{I \text{ (Size of image) }}{\text{ O(Size of image) }}$ Magnification is given by $m=\dfrac{-v}{u}$ $\dfrac{I}{o}=\dfrac{-v}{u}$ $\dfrac{0.5}{1}=\dfrac{-30}{u}$ $U=-60 cm$ Focal length is given by $\dfrac{1}{f}=\dfrac{1}{v}+\dfrac{1}{u}$ $
\dfrac{1}{f} & =\dfrac{1}{-30}+\dfrac{1}{-60} \\
& =\dfrac{-2-1}{60} \\
& =\dfrac{-3}{60}
$ $F=-20 cm$Show Answer
(a) When the object is kept at a distance equal to its radius of curvature
(b) When object is kept at a distance less than its focal length
(c) When object is placed between the focus and centre of curvature
(d) When object is kept at a distance greater than its radius of curvature
Answer (c) When object is placed between the focus and centre of curvature Explanation When object is placed between $F$ and $C$ an enlarged image is formed beyond $C$.Show Answer
(a) $3 / 2$
(b) 2 I 3
(c) $1 / 2$
(d) 2

Fig. 10.1
Answer (a) $3 / 2$ Refractive Index of B with respect to A $=\dfrac{\sin i}{\sin r}$ $=\dfrac{\sin 60}{\sin 45}$ $=\dfrac{(\sqrt{3} / 2)}{(1 / \sqrt{ } 2)}$ $=\sqrt{6} / 2$ $=1.225$Show Answer
(a) greater than unity
(b) less than unity
(c) equal to unity
(d) zero

Fig. 10.2
Answer (b) less than unity Explanation Here the ray of light bends away from normal when it enters from medium $A$ into medium $B$. This shows that medium $B$ is optically rarer than medium $A$. Therefore, speed of light in medium $B$ is more than speed of light in medium A. So, ratio of speed of light in medium A to speed of light in medium B will be less than one.Show Answer
(a) A rectangular glass slab
(b) A convex lens
(c) A concave lens
(d) A prism

Fig. 10.3
Answer (a) A rectangular glass slab Explanation When incident rays fall perpendicularly on the point of incidence. A rectangular glass slab would refract and then re-refract it.Show Answer
(a) Concave lens
(b) Rectangular glass slab
(c) Prism
(d) Convex lens

Fig. 10.4
Answer (a) Concave lens Explanation concave lens because incident rays are parallel and emergent rays are diverging.Show Answer
(a) A convex lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length $0.25 m$
(b) A convex lens has -4 dioptre power having a focal length $0.25 m$
(c) A concave lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length $0.25 m$
(d) A concave lens has -4 dioptre power having a focal length $0.25 m$
Answer (a) A convex lens has 4 dioptre power having a focal length $0.25 m$ Explanation Positive value for focal length indicates convex lens.Show Answer
(a) is less than one
(b) is more than one
(c) is equal to one
(d) can be more than or less than one depending upon the position of the object in front of it
Answer (a) is less than one Explanation Convex mirror is used in rear view mirror. Convex mirror always give smaller image. Hence, magnification produced by rear view mirror is always less than 1 .Show Answer
(a) $15 cm$ in front of the mirror
(b) $30 cm$ in front of the mirror
(c) between $15 cm$ and $30 cm$ in front of the mirror
(d) more than $30 cm$ in front of the mirror
Answer (d) more than $30 cm$ in front of the mirror Explanation Here $f=15$, Radius of curvature is double the focal length hence $c=30$ When object is placed on c, its image is of the same size, inverted and is formed on c.Show Answer
(a) a concave mirror
(b) a convex mirror
(c) a plane mirror
(d) both concave as well as plane mirror
Answer (b) a convex mirror Explanation Field of convex mirror is more than any type of mirror. Hence full length size of building can be seen by using a convex mirror.Show Answer
(a) between the pole and the focus of the reflector
(b) very near to the focus of the reflector
(c) between the focus and centre of curvature of the reflector
(d) at the centre of curvature of the reflector
Answer (b) very near to the focus of the reflector Explanation Headlight reflectors and search lights are in the shape of concave mirror. When source of light is placed at the focus, reflected light appears like a beam.Show Answer
(a) plane mirror only
(b) concave mirror only
(c) convex mirror only
(d) all mirrors irrespective of their shape
Answer (d) all mirrors irrespective of their shapeShow Answer

Answer b)B Explanation Light bends towards normal when it passes from air to glass. Light bends away from normal when it passes from glass to air. This is appropriately shown in figure b).Show Answer
(a) Kerosene
(b) Water
(c) Mustard oil
(d) Glycerine
Answer (d) Glycerine Explanation Refractive indices Water-1.33 Kerosene-1.44 Mustard oil-1.46 Glycerine-1.47 Hence Glycerine is optically dense hence ray of light bends more with glycerine.Show Answer

Answer (d) Fig. D Explanation In case of concave mirror, an incident ray is parallel to principal axis passes through $F$ after reflection.Show Answer

Answer (a) Fig. A. Explanation In convex lens, incident ray passing through $F$ goes parallel to the principal axis after refraction.Show Answer
(a) Plane, convex and concave
(b) Convex, concave and plane
(c) Concave, plane and convex
(d) Convex, plane and concave
Answer (c) Concave, plane and convex Explanation When the object is between F and P of concave mirror enlarged image is formed behind the mirror. Hence child can see her head bigger in a concave mirror. She can see her body size of the same size because plane mirror gives image of original size. Convex mirror gives diminished images and babies legs appear smaller.Show Answer
(a) Concave mirror only
(b) Convex mirror only
(c) Convex lens only
(d) Concave mirror, convex mirror, concave lens and convex lens
Show Answer
(d) Concave mirror, convex mirror, concave lens and convex lens
Short Answer Questions
20. Identify the device used as a spherical mirror or lens in following cases, when the image formed is virtual and erect in each case.
(a) Object is placed between device and its focus, image formed is enlarged and behind it.
(b) Object is placed between the focus and device, image formed is enlarged and on the same side as that of the object.
(c) Object is placed between infinity and device, image formed is diminished and between focus and optical centre on the same side as that of the object.
(d) Object is placed between infinity and device, image formed is diminished and between pole and focus, behind it.
Answer a) Concave mirror b) Convex lens c) Concave lens d) Convex mirrorShow Answer
Answer When light ray enters denser medium from rarer medium it bends towards the normal In this case extent of bending of ray at opposite parallel is same. Hence emergent ray is parallel to incident ray.Show Answer
Answer Bending of light here is a function of refraction. Refraction is dependent on refractive indices. Refractive indices of kerosene or turpentine would not be same as water. Hence degree of bend would be different in different mediums.Show Answer
Answer Refractive Index can be seen as the factor by which the speed and the wavelength of the radiation are reduced with respect to their vacuum values. $w=civ$ (where n:refractive index,c=speed of light,v:velocity of light in that medium) Refractive index of one medium in relation to a second medium is given by ratio of speed of light In second medium to speed of light in first medium.Show Answer
Answer Absolute RI of diamond $=1.6$ Absolute RI of glass $=1.5$ Multiplying them we get 2.4Show Answer
Answer When an object is placed in F and F2 of a convex lens, we get inverted, enlarged and real image is formed beyond 2F2 which is on the other side of the lens. Hence we need to place the object between 20 and $40 cm$ of the lens. When an object is placed between $F$ and 0 of a convex lens, its enlarged, erect and virtual image is formed beyond FL i.e. on the same side of lens. So for this we need to place the object at a distance less than $20 cm$ from the lens.Show Answer
Answer To obtain clear image of the building Sudha has to move the screen towards the elns. Focal length will be approximately $15 cm$. The rays of light coming from distant object such as a tree (or a distant building or electricity pole) can be considered to be parallel to each other. When parallel rays of light are incident on a convex lens, the rays, after refraction, converge at focus on the other side of the lens.Show Answer
Answer Power of lens is inversely proportional to the focal length of the lens. Lens with focal length 20 has more power than lens with focal length $40 cm$. Lens with higher power should be used to obtain more convergent light.Show Answer
Answer If two plane mirrors are placed perpendicular to each other then Incident ray and reflected ray will always be parallel to each other.Show Answer
Answer (i) When a ray of light enters from air (rarer medium) into water (denser medium), the ray of light bends towards the normal. (ii) When a ray of light enters from water (denser medium) into air (rarer medium), the ray of light bends away from the normal. Note: The dotted line shows the undeviated path of light, in case if the light would not have undergone refraction.Show Answer
(b) between focus and centre of curvature of the mirror
(c) at centre of curvature of the mirror
(d) a little beyond centre of curvature of the mirror
(e) at infinity
Answer a) C) d)Show Answer
(b) between focus and twice the focal length of the lens
(c) at twice the focal length of the lens
(d) at infinity (e) at the focus of the lens
Answer a) c) d)
Show Answer
Answer Laws of refraction a) Incident ray, refracted ray and normal at the point of incidence lie in the same plane. b) Ratio of sine of incidence and sine of refraction is constant for the given color and pair of media.
$EF$ is incident ray which is incident on point 0 on air-glass interface.Show Answer
(b) between focus and twice the focal length of the lens
(c) beyond twice the focal length of the lens
Answer (a) The ray diagram when the object is placed at the focus of the concave lens: (b) The ray diagram when the object is placed between focus and twice the length of focal length of the lens:Show Answer
(c) Ray diagram when the object is beyond twice the focal length of the concave lens:
(b) at finite distance from the mirror
Answer a) At InfinityShow Answer
b) At infinite distance from the mirror
Answer As the image is obtained on the screen, it is real . so, Magnification , $m=-3$, $v=80 cm$ $u=$ ? As $m=v / u$ so, $-3=80 / u$, $u=-80 / 3 cm$. From $1 / f=1 / v-1 / u$ $=1 / 80+3 / 80$ $=4 / 80$ $=1 / 20$ $1 / f=1 / 20 cm$ so, $f=20 cm$. The lens is convex and image formed at $80 cm$ from the lens is real and inverted.Show Answer
Answer $m=\dfrac{1}{3}$ Using $\dfrac{1}{v}+\dfrac{1}{u}=\dfrac{1}{f}$ Calculate $u ; u=-80 cm$. Image is real and inverted. Mirror is concave.Show Answer
Answer Degree of convergence and divergence provided by a lens is called power of the lens. Unit of power of lens is Diopter D. focal length of lens used by first student is in positive hence it is a convex lens. The lens of second student is a concave lens. $p==\dfrac{1}{f}=\dfrac{1}{0.5}=2$ Power of lens (first student) $=+2$ Power of lens (second student) = ). 2Show Answer
Position of candle $=12.0 cm$
Position of convex lens $=50.0 cm$
Position of the screen $=88.0 cm$
(i) What is the focal length of the convex lens?
(ii) Where will the image be formed if he shifts the candle towards the lens at a position of $31.0 cm$ ?
(iii) What will be the nature of the image formed if he further shifts the candle towards the lens?
(iv) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image in case (iii) as said above.
Show Answer
Position of the candle flame $=12.0 cm$
Position of the lens $=50.0 cm$
Position of the screen $=88.0 cm$
i) $u=50-12=38 cm$.
Image distance $v=88-50=38 cm$
Focal length $=\dfrac{1}{v}-\dfrac{1}{u}=\dfrac{1}{f}$
$f=19 cm$
ii) Object distance $u=50-31=19 cm$
Object distance $=$ focal length
Hence the I mage is formed at infinity.
If he further shifts the candle towards the lens. The object comes between F and 0 . In this case. Image is virtual, enlarged and erect and is formed on the same side of lens. iv)