
#### If all the letters in the word FIGURES are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right in such a way that vowels are arranged first followed by consonants, then how many letters are there in between U and R after the arrangement? 1. [x] Two 2. [ ] One 3. [ ] None 4. [ ] Four #### If all the numbers are arranged in ascending order from left to right, which of the following will be the sum of all the three digits of the number which is second from the right of the new arrangement thus formed?
612   589   743   468   297 1. [ ] 14 2. [x] 9 3. [ ] 18 4. [ ] 16 #### If in each of the words, all the alphabets are arranged in the alphabetical order within the word, how many words will not begin with a vowel ?
WIT   BAR   URN   ELF   TOP 1. [ ] None 2. [x] One 3. [ ] Two 4. [ ] Three #### Arrange the following jumbled numbers in ascending order : 56 24 37 11 45 1. [ ] 56 24 11 45 37 2. [ ] 56 45 37 24 11 3. [ ] 11 37 24 45 56 4. [x] 11 24 37 45 56 #### Arrange the following to form a coherent paragraph. P. The company's success is attributed to its innovative products. Q. These products have gained popularity among consumers. R. Additionally, the company's strong marketing strategies have played a vital role. S. This has led to increased sales and a growing customer base. 1. [ ] P-R-Q-S 2. [x] P-R-Q-S 3. [ ] Q-S-R-P 4. [ ] Q-P-S-R
