
#### Choose the correct question tag for the statement:
Nobody called, _____? 1. [x] did they? 2. [ ] didn't they? 3. [ ] didn't they? 4. [ ] did she? #### Fill in the correct question tag for :
She hardly knows him, _____? 1. [x] does she? 2. [ ] doesn't she? 3. [ ] is she? 4. [ ] isn't she? #### What's the correct question tag for :
Let's go for a walk, _____? 1. [x] shall we? 2. [ ] shan't we? 3. [ ] will we? 4. [ ] won't we? #### Identify the right question tag for
There are no cookies left, _____? 1. [x] are there? 2. [ ] aren't there? 3. [ ] is there? 4. [ ] isn't there? #### Choose the right question tag for:
He'd never do that, _____? 1. [x] would he? 2. [ ] wouldn't he? 3. [ ] did he? 4. [ ] didn't he?
