
#### Being a day of national mourning the offices were closed and the national flag few half mast. 1. [x] Being a day of national mourning 2. [ ] the offices were closed 3. [ ] and the national flag few half mast. 4. [ ] No error #### It is necessary for us to familiarize with and get used to the ways of the people among whom we live. 1. [x] It is necessary for us to familiarize with 2. [ ] and get used to 3. [ ] the ways of people among whom we live. 4. [ ] No error #### Neither praise nor blame(a)/ seem(b)/ to affect him.(c)/ No error(d) 1. [ ] Neither praise nor blame 2. [x] seem 3. [ ] to affect him. 4. [ ] No error #### Everyone (a)/ of the boys(b)/ love to ride. (c)/ No error(d) 1. [ ] Everyone 2. [ ] of the boys 3. [x] love to ride. 4. [ ] No error #### He asked(a)/ whether either of the brothers(b)/ were at home.(c)/ No error(d) 1. [ ] He asked 2. [ ] whether either of the brothers 3. [x] were at home. 4. [ ] No error
