
#### _____ sun rises in the east. 1. [ ] a 2. [ ] an 3. [x] the 4. [ ] no article needed #### He is ______ honest man. 1. [ ] a 2. [x] an 3. [ ] the 4. [ ] no article needed #### He is _________good singer. 1. [ ] an 2. [x] a 3. [ ] the 4. [ ] No article needed #### Which of the following sentences uses the indefinite article correctly? 1. [ ] She is a best student in the class. 2. [x] He wants an apple from that basket. 3. [ ] She is an university professor. 4. [ ] It's a honor to meet you. #### Which of the following sentences uses 'a' and 'an' correctly? 1. [ ] I saw a elephant at the zoo. 2. [ ] She is an talented artist. 3. [ ] They want to watch a action movie. 4. [x] I have a headache and need an aspirin.
