Notes from NEET topper


Insemination is the process of depositing sperm into the reproductive tract of a female, with the purpose of achieving fertilization and subsequent pregnancy. This process can occur naturally or can be assisted through various medical techniques. Here’s an overview of both natural and artificial insemination:

Natural Insemination

In Animals: In most animal species, natural insemination occurs during mating, where the male deposits sperm directly into the female’s reproductive tract.

In Humans: It’s the same process, occurring during sexual intercourse, where the male ejaculates sperm into the female’s vagina.

Artificial Insemination (AI)

Definition: AI is a fertility treatment method where sperm is placed into the female’s reproductive tract by artificial means rather than by natural copulation. It’s used in both human fertility treatments and in animal breeding.

Techniques in Humans: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Sperm is washed and concentrated, and then placed directly into the uterus using a catheter. This increases the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes, thereby increasing the chance of fertilization.

Intracervical Insemination (ICI): Similar to IUI, but the sperm is placed in the cervix instead of the uterus.

Reasons for Use:

Male Factor Infertility: Low sperm count or mobility issues.

Female Factor Infertility: Unexplained infertility, cervical mucus problems, or mild endometriosis. Single Women or Lesbian Couples: Wanting to conceive.

Donor Sperm: Used when the male partner is infertile or to avoid passing on a genetic disorder. Animal Breeding:**

Widely used in agriculture, particularly in dairy and beef cattle breeding, to improve genetics or when natural mating is impractical or dangerous.

Controlled Breeding: Allows for the selection of specific sire characteristics, enhancing desirable traits in offspring.

Advantages of Artificial Insemination

Increases the chances of conception for couples struggling with infertility.

Enables genetic screening and reduces the risk of transmitting genetic disorders.

In animal breeding, it allows for the improvement of breeds and increases efficiency.


Success Rates: Depend on various factors, including age, fertility issues, and the method used.

Ethical and Legal Aspects: Particularly relevant in human artificial insemination, involving donor sperm or surrogacy.
