Notes from NEET topper

Multiple allelism

Multiple allelism is a genetic phenomenon that occurs when a single gene has more than two allelic forms (variants) within a population. In other words, for a specific gene locus, there are more than two possible alleles that can occupy that position. This concept is a fundamental principle in the study of inheritance and genetic variation.

1. Alleles: Alleles are different versions or variants of a gene. For any given gene, an organism inherits two alleles, one from each parent.

2. Codominance and Incomplete Dominance: Multiple allelism can lead to interesting genetic interactions. In cases of codominance, multiple alleles are expressed fully, and neither is dominant over the other. In incomplete dominance, there is a blending of traits when two different alleles are present.

3. Examples: One of the classic examples of multiple allelism is the ABO blood group system in humans. In this system, there are three common alleles for a single gene that determines blood type: A, B, and O. A person can have two of these alleles, leading to four possible blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Another example is the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, which plays a critical role in immune responses.

4. Population Variation: Multiple allelism contributes to the genetic diversity within populations. It allows for a wide range of possible traits and characteristics within a species, leading to increased adaptability and survival.

5. Selection and Evolution: The presence of multiple alleles at a single gene locus can be subject to natural selection. Depending on the environment and the advantage of specific alleles, certain alleles may become more prevalent in a population over time, leading to evolutionary changes.

6. Genetic Disorders: Some genetic disorders are associated with multiple allelism. For example, sickle cell anemia results from multiple alleles of the hemoglobin gene. Different combinations of these alleles lead to varying degrees of the disorder.

7. Genetic Testing: Understanding multiple allelism is important in genetic testing and counseling. It helps predict the possible outcomes of inherited traits and diseases based on an individual’s genotype.
