Notes from NEET topper

Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa, commonly known as the “Four O’Clock Flower,” is a flowering plant that belongs to the Nyctaginaceae family. It is named “Four O’Clock” because its trumpet-shaped flowers usually open in the late afternoon, around 4 o’clock, and remain open throughout the evening. Here are some key points about Mirabilis jalapa in the context of Principles of Inheritance and Variation:

1. Genetic Variability: Mirabilis jalapa is known for its wide range of flower colors, including red, pink, yellow, white, and various bicolor combinations. This variation in flower color is due to genetic factors.

2. Inheritance of Flower Color: The inheritance of flower color in Mirabilis jalapa is controlled by multiple alleles. This means that there are several different versions (alleles) of the gene responsible for flower color.

3. Incomplete Dominance: In some cases, Mirabilis jalapa exhibits incomplete dominance in the inheritance of flower color. This means that when a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a plant with white flowers (WW), the F1 generation may have pink flowers (RW).

4. Co-dominance: In other cases, co-dominance can be observed. For example, if a plant with red flowers (RR) is crossed with a plant with white flowers (WW), the F1 generation may have flowers that show both red and white colors (RW), with neither color dominating the other.

5. Bicolor Flowers: Mirabilis jalapa often produces bicolor flowers, where different parts of the flower have different colors. This variation in flower coloration adds to the plant’s genetic diversity.

6. Environmental Factors: While genetics plays a significant role in determining flower color, environmental factors such as soil pH can also influence the intensity of flower colors in Mirabilis jalapa.

7. Role in Gardening: Mirabilis jalapa is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and is cultivated for its attractive and fragrant flowers. Its genetic diversity allows for the selection of various flower colors, making it a versatile choice for gardeners.

8. Study of Inheritance: Mirabilis jalapa has been used as a model plant in the study of inheritance patterns and the genetics of flower color. It provides insights into the complexity of genetic interactions and the diversity of traits in plants.
