Notes from NEET topper

Dihybrid Cross

A dihybrid cross is a genetic cross involving two pairs of contrasting traits or two different genes. It is a fundamental tool in genetics used to study the inheritance of two different traits simultaneously. Dihybrid crosses are based on Mendel’s principles of inheritance and help predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of offspring for two independent traits. Here’s how a dihybrid cross works:

1. Two Traits: In a dihybrid cross, you are simultaneously studying the inheritance of two different traits, each controlled by a pair of alleles.

2. Alleles: Each trait has two alleles, one from each parent. These alleles can be dominant (usually represented by uppercase letters) or recessive (usually represented by lowercase letters).

3. Independent Assortment: One of the fundamental principles underlying dihybrid crosses is the Law of Independent Assortment. It states that different pairs of alleles segregate independently during gamete formation. This means that the inheritance of one trait does not affect the inheritance of the other trait.

Steps in Conducting a Dihybrid Cross:

1. Identify Parental Genotypes: Start with two parental individuals, each with known genotypes for both traits. For example, consider a dihybrid cross involving flower color (R = red, r = white) and seed shape (S = smooth, s = wrinkled).

Parent 1: RRSS (red flowers, smooth seeds) Parent 2: rrss (white flowers, wrinkled seeds)

2. Determine Possible Gametes: Determine the possible gametes each parent can produce by considering the alleles for both traits. For Parent 1, it can produce gametes R, R, S, and S. For Parent 2, it can produce gametes r, r, s, and s.

3. Create a Punnett Square: Construct a Punnett square with rows and columns corresponding to the possible gametes of each parent. Fill in the squares by combining the gametes from both parents. This will give you all possible genotypic combinations for the offspring.

The Punnett square for the example above would have 16 squares (4 rows × 4 columns), each representing a potential genotype for the offspring.

4. Analyze Genotypic and Phenotypic Ratios: Examine the genotypes in the Punnett square to determine the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring. Count how many squares have each genotype to find the ratios.

For the example above, you would calculate the ratios of offspring with red flowers, white flowers, smooth seeds, and wrinkled seeds.

5. Interpret the Results: The genotypic and phenotypic ratios represent the expected outcomes of the dihybrid cross. These ratios provide insights into the inheritance patterns of two different traits in the offspring.
