Notes from NEET topper

Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty Experiment


The primary aim was to identify the macromolecule responsible for genetic transformation in bacteria.


Building upon Griffith’s transformation experiment, which demonstrated that a substance could transform non-virulent bacteria into virulent ones.

Experimental Process:

Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty isolated cellular components (DNA, RNA, proteins) from the S strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria and treated it with DNase, RNases and Protease separately.

This cell extract was then mixed with the non-virulent R strain

This extract was injected in mice


The experiment revealed that when the cell extract was treated with protease, the virulent S-strain developed. Conversely, when the cell extract was treated with DNase, the virulent S-strain did not develop.


This experiment confirmed that DNA was the transforming principle by using enzymes to selectively degrade DNA, RNA, and proteins in heat-killed bacteria.

Only the destruction of DNA prevented transformation.