Notes from NEET topper

Phylum- Mollusca (2nd largest phylum)

• Habitat-terrestrial or aquatic(marine/ freshwater).

• Body division-covered by calcareous shell & isunsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot, visceralhump.

• Special structure-soft & spongy layer of skin forms amantle over the viscera hump.

• Respiration & excretion-space between hump & mantle(mantle cavity) have feather like gills which performrespiration & excretion.

• Sense organ-anterior head has sensory tentacles.

• Feeding organ-mouth have file like rasping organ calledradula.

• Reproduction-usually dioecious & oviparous with indirectdevelopment.

• Eg- pila (apple snail), pinctada(pearl oyster)Sepia(cuttle fish),Loligo(squid),Octopus (devil fish), Aplysia(sea hare),Dentalium (tusk shell),Chaetuplura (chiton)
