Notes from NEET topper

Phylum- Arthropoda

• Largest phylum (includes insects).


•Skeleton-exoskeleton is of Chitin.

•Body division-head, thorax, abdomen.

•Locomotion-by jointed appendages.

•Respiration-by gills, book gills, book lungs, tracheal system.

•Circulatory system-open.

•Sensory organs-antennae, compound & simple eye,statocysts/balance organs are found.

•Excretion-through malphigian tubules.

•Reproduction-dioecious Fertilisation-usuallyinternal (oviparous) with direct or indirect development.

•Eg- Economically useful- Apis(honeybee),Bombyx (silkworm),Laccifer (lac insect)

•Vectors- Anopheles, Culex, Aedes (Mosquitoes)

• Gregarious pest-Locusta(locust).

• Living fossil-Limulus (king crab)
