NEET Solved Paper 2016 Question 43

Question: A small signal voltage $ \text{V(t) = }{V_0},\sin \omega t $ is applied across an ideal capacitor C :-


A) Current $ \text{I(t),} $ lags voltage V(t) by $ 9{0^{o}}. $

B) Over a full cycle the capacitor C does not consume any energy from the voltage source.

C) Current $ \text{I(t)} $ is in phase with voltage V(t).

D) Current $ \text{I(t)} $ leads voltage V(t) by $ 18{0^{o}}. $

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Correct Answer: B


  • $ Power={V _{rms,}}.I _{rms}\cos ,o| $ as $ \cos ,o|=0 $ (Because $ o|=90^{o} $ )
    $ \therefore $ Power consumed = 0 (in one complete cycle)