Neet Solved Paper 2015 Question 21

Question: One mole of an ideal diatomic gas undergoes a transition from A to B along a path AB as shown in the figure The change in internal energy of the gas during the transition is


A) 20 kJ

B) -20 kJ

C) 20 J

D) -12 kJ

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Correct Answer: B


  • For a diatomic gas, $ C _{V}=\frac{5}{2}R $

The change in internal energy of gas in the transition from A to B is $ \Delta U=nC _{v}dT $ $ =n( \frac{5R}{2} )(T _{B}-T _{A}) $ $ =nR\frac{5}{2}( \frac{p _{B}V _{B}}{nR}\frac{p _{A}V _{A}}{nR} ) $ $ =\frac{5}{2}(2\times 10^{3}\times 6-5\times 10^{3}\times 4) $

$ =\frac{5}{2}\times (-8\times 10^{3}) $ $ =-\frac{4\times 10^{4}}{2}=-20KJ $