Neet Solved Paper 2015 Question 1

Question: Which one of the following matches is correct?


A) Phytophthora Aseptate mycelium Basidiomycetes

B) Altemaria Sexual reproduction absent Deuteromycetes

C) Mucor Reproduction by conjugation Ascomycetes

D) Agancus Parasitic fungus Basidiomycetes

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Correct Answer: B


  • (i) Phytophthora belongs to Phycomycetes (algal fungi). They contain either unicellular thallus or non-septate coenocytic mycelium. They are mostly plant damaging Oomycetes (water molds.) (ii) Alternaria is Deuteuromycetes (fungi imperfecti), which lacks sexual reproduction. (iii) Mucor also belong to Phycomycetes. They have mycelium which is coenocytic (multinucleate) and profusely branched. They reproduce vegetatively via conjugation. (iv) Agaricus belongs to Basidiomycetes (where karyogamy and meiosis occur). They contain well developed filaments, branched and septate mycelium. They are saprophytic but not parasitic. So, hence (b) option is correctly matched.