NEET Solved Paper 2014 Question 27

Question: Among the following complexes, the one which shows zero crystal field stabilisation energy (CFSE) is [AIPMT 2014]


A) $ {{[Mn{{(H _2O)}_6}]}^{3+}} $

B) $ {{[Fe{{(H _2O)}_6}]}^{3+}} $

C) $ {{[Co{{(H _2O)}_6}]}^{2+}}, $

D) $ {{[Co{{(H _2O)}_6}]}^{3+}} $

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Correct Answer: B


  • The CFSE for octahedral complex is given by

$ CFSE=[-0.4t _{2g}{e^{-}}+0.6e _{g}{e^{-}}] $ For $ M{n^{3+}},,[3d^{4}]\to ,t_2g^{3},e_g^{1} $

$ \therefore $ $ CFSE=[-0.4,\times 3+0.6\times 1] $ = 0.6 For $ F{e^{3+}},[3d^{5}]\to t_2g^{3}e_g^{2} $

$ CFSE,=[-(0.4\times 3)+(0.6\times 2)]=0 $ For $ C{o^{2+}},[3d^{7}]\to t_2g^{5}e_g^{2} $

$ CFSE,=[(-0.4\times 5),+(2\times 0.6)],=-0.8 $ For $ C{o^{3+}},[3d^{6}]\to t_2g^{4}e_g^{2} $

$ CFSE=[(-0.4\times 4),+(2\times 0.6)]=-0.4 $