Neet Solved Paper 2013 Question 59

Question: The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human respiratory system with labels A, B, C and D. Select the option, which gives correct identification and main function and/or characteristic.


A) A-trachea-long tube supported by complete cartilaginous rings for conducting inspired air

B) B-pleural membrane-surround ribs on both sides to provide cushion against rubbing

C) C-alveoli-thin walled vascular bag-like structures for exchange of gases

D) D-lower end of lungs-diaphragm pulls it down during inspiration

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Correct Answer: C


  • C-Alveoli are thin-walled vascular bag-like structures for exchange of gases. A-trachea or wind pipe is an air conducting tube through, which transport of gases takes place. B-pleural membrane is double layered, which reduces friction on the lung surface. D-diaphragm is involved in the inspiration and expiration process of breathing.