Neet Solved Paper 2013 Question 46

Question: Match the name of the animal (Column I) with one characteristics (Column II) and the phylum/class (Column III) to which it belongs


A) Column I - Petromyzon, Column II - Ectoparasite, Column III - Cyclostomata

B) Column I - Ichthyophis, Column II - Terrestrial, Column III - Reptilia

C) Column I - Limulus, Column II - Body covered by chitinous exoskeleton , Column III - Pisces

D) Column I - Adamsia, Column II - Radially symmetrical , Column III - Porifera

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Correct Answer: A


  • Petromyzon (lamprey) is an ectoparasite on fishes, which belongs to Cyclostomata. Ichthyophis is a limbless amphibian. Limulus (king crab) is a living fossil, which belongs to Arthropoda. Admasia having polyp body form is a coelenterate.