Waves - Result Question 2

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2. Two waves are represented by the equations $y_1=a \sin (\omega t+kx+0.57) m$ and $y_2=a \cos (\omega t$ $+kx) m$, where $x$ is in meter and $t$ in sec. The phase difference between them is [2011]

======= ####2. Two waves are represented by the equations $y_1=a \sin (\omega t+kx+0.57) m$ and $y_2=a \cos (\omega t$ $+kx) m$, where $x$ is in meter and $t$ in sec. The phase difference between them is [2011]

3e0f7ab6f6a50373c3f2dbda6ca2533482a77bed:content/english/neet-pyq-chapterwise/physics/waves/waves—result-question-2.md (a) 1.0 radian

(b) 1.25 radian

(c) 1.57 radian

(d) 0.57 radian

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Correct Answer: 2. (a)


  1. (a) Here, $y_1=a \sin (\omega t+k x+0.57)$

so, $\phi_1=0.57$

and $y_2=a \cos (\omega t+k x)$

$ =a \sin [\frac{\pi}{2}+(\omega t+k x)] $

so, $\phi_2=\pi / 2$

Phase difference, $\Delta \phi=\phi_2-\phi_1$

$ \begin{gathered} =\frac{\pi}{2}-0.57=\frac{3.14}{2}-0.57=1.57-0.57 \\ =1 \text{ radian } \end{gathered} $