Thermodynamics - Result Question 43

45. A Carnot engine whose sink is at $300 K$ has an efficiency of $40 %$. By how much should the temperature of source be increased so as to increase, its efficiency by $50 %$ of original efficiency?


(a) $325 K$

(b) $250 K$

(c) $380 K$

(d) $275 K$

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Correct Answer: 45. (b)


  1. (b) We know that efficiency of Carnot Engine $\eta=\frac{T_1-T_2}{T_1}$ where, $T_1$ is temp. of source and $T_2$ is temp. of sink

$\therefore \quad 0.40=\frac{T_1-300}{T_1} \Rightarrow T_1-300=0.40 T_1$
