System of Particles and Rotational Motion - Result Question 32

32. $A B C$ is an equilateral triangle with $O$ as its centre. $ \vec{F} _1, \vec{F} _2$ and $ \vec{F} _3$ represent three forces acting along the sides $A B, B C$ and $A C$ respectively. If the total torque about $O$ is zero the magnitude of $ \vec{F} _3$ is :

[2012, 1998]

(a) $F_1+F_2$

(b) $F_1-F_2$

(c) $\frac{F_1+F_2}{2}$

(d) $2(F_1+F_2)$

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Correct Answer: 32. (a)


(a) $F_1 x+F_2 x=F_3 x$
