Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 78

80. The transfer ratio $\beta$ of a transistor is 50 . The input resistance of the transistor when used in the common emitter configuration is $1 k \Omega$. The peak value of the collector A.C. current for an A.C. input voltage of $0.01 V$ peak is


(a) $100 \mu A$

(b) $0.01 mA$

(c) $0.25 mA$

(d) $500 \mu A$

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Correct Answer: 80. (d)


  1. (d) $i_c=\beta \cdot \frac{V_s}{R _{\text{in }}}=50 \times \frac{0.01}{1000}=500 \times 10^{-6} A$

$=500 \mu A$