Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 60

61. In the circuit shown in the figure, the input voltage $V_i$ is $20 V, V _{BE}=0$ and $V _{CE}=0$. The values of $I_B, I_C$ and $\beta$ are given by


(a) $I_B=40 \mu A, I_C=10 mA, \beta=250$

(b) $I_B=25 \mu A, I_C=5 mA, \beta=200$

(c) $I_B=40 \mu A, I_C=5 mA, \beta=125$

(d) $I_B=20 \mu A, I_C=5 mA, \beta=250$

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Correct Answer: 61. (c)


  1. (c) From question, $V _{BE}==0, \quad V_i=20 V$

$V _{CE}=0$ $V_b=0$ (earthed) $I_B=?, I_C=?, \beta=$ ?