Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 37

37. A d.c. battery of $V$ volt is connected to a series combination of a resistor $R$ and an ideal diode $D$ as shown in the figure below. The potential difference across $R$ will be


(a) $2 V$ when diode is forward biased

(b) Zero when diode is forward biased

(c) V when diode is reverse biased

(d) V when diode is forward biased

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Correct Answer: 37. (d)


  1. (d) In forward biasing, the diode conducts. For ideal junction diode, the forward resistance is zero; therefore, entire applied voltage occurs across external resistance $R$ i.e., there occurs no potential drop, so potential across $R$ is $V$ in forward biased.

(b) For conduction, $p-n$ junction must be forward biased. For conduction $p$-side should be connected to higher potential and $n$-side to lower potential.