Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 28

28. Carbon, silicon and germanium atoms have four valence electrons each. Their valence and conduction bands are separated by energy band gaps represented by $(E_g) _{C},(E_g) _{S i}$ and $(E_g) _{G e}$ respectively. Which one of the following relationships is true in their case?

(a) $(E_g) _{s i}>(E_g) _{G e}<(E_g) _{C}$


(b) $(E_g) _{C}<(E_g) _{S i}$

(c) $(E_g) _{C}=(E_g) _{S i}$

(d) $(E_g) _{C}<(E_g) _{G e}$

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Correct Answer: 28. (a)


  1. (a) Due to strong electronegativity of carbon.