Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices and Simple Circuits - Result Question 108

110. Which of the following gates will have an output of 1 ?






(a) $D$

(b) $A$

(c) $B$

(d) $C$

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Correct Answer: 110. (d)


  1. (d) (a) is a NAND gate so output is $\overline{1 \times 1}=\overline{1}=0$

(b) is a NOR gate so output is $\overline{0+1}=\overline{1}=0$

(c) is a NAND gate so output is $\overline{0 \times 1}=\overline{0}=1$

(d) is a XOR gate so output is $0 \oplus 0=0$

Following is NAND Gate

$Y=\overline{A . B}$