Ray Optics and Optical Instruments - Result Question 2

2. Match the corresponding entries of column-1 with column-2 (Where $m$ is the magnification produced by the mirror):


(P) $m=-2$

(A) Convex mirror

(Q) $m=-\frac{1}{2}$

(B) Concave mirror [2016]


(R) $m=+2$

(C) Realimage

(S) $m=+\frac{1}{2}$

(D) Virtual image

(a) $P \to B$ and $C, Q \to B$ and $C, R \to B$ and $D$, $S \to A$ and $D$.

(b) $P \to A$ and $C, Q \to A$ and $D, R \to A$ and $B$, $S \to C$ and $D$

(c) $P \to A$ and $D, Q \to B$ and $C, R \to B$ and $D$, $S \to B$ and $C$

(d) $P \to$ C and $D, Q \to B$ and $D, R \to B$ and $C$, $S \to A$ and $D$

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Correct Answer: 2. (a)


  1. (a) Magnitude $m=+ve \Rightarrow$ virtual image $m=-ve \Rightarrow$ real image magnitude of magnification, $|m|>1 \Rightarrow$ magnified image $|m|<1 \Rightarrow$ diminished image