Physical World Units and Measurements - Result Question 5

5. In a particular system, the unit of length, mass and time are chosen to be $10 cm, 10 g$ and $0.1 s$ respectively. The unit of force in this system will be equivalent to


(a) $0.1 N$

(b) $1 N$

(c) $10 N$

(d) $100 N$

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Correct Answer: 5. (a)


  1. (a) As we know force $=$ Mass $\times$ Acceleration $=$ Mass $\times$ length $\times$ time $^{-2}=(10 g)(10 cm)(0.1 s)^{-2}$ $=(10^{-2} kg)(10^{-1} m)(10^{-1} s)^{-2}=10^{-1} N$.