Physical World Units and Measurements - Result Question 37

39. If $C$ and $R$ denote capacitance and resistance, the dimensional formula of CR is


(a) $[M^{0} L^{0} T^{1}]$

(b) $[M^{0} L^{0} T^{0}]$

(c) $[M^{0} L^{0} T^{-1}]$

(d) not expressible in terms of M,L,T.

Topic 3: Errors in Measurements

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Correct Answer: 39. (a)


  1. (a) $CR=(\frac{q}{V})(\frac{V}{i}) \Rightarrow(\frac{i \cdot t}{i}) \Rightarrow t=$ time $=[T]=[M^{0} L^{0} T^{1}]$

$RC$ is the time constant of the circuit.