Physical World Units and Measurements - Result Question 19

19. The ratio of the dimension of Planck’s constant and that of the moment of inertia is the dimension of


(a) time

(b) frequency

(c) angular momentum

(d) velocity

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Correct Answer: 19. (b)


  1. (b) Dimension formula for the planck’s constant, $h=[ML^{2} T^{1}]$

Dimension formula for the moment of inertia, $I=[ML^{2}]$

So, the ratio between the plank’s constant and moment of inertia is

$\Rightarrow \frac{h}{I}=\frac{[ML^{2} T^{-1}]}{[ML^{2}]} \Rightarrow[T^{-1}]$

$\Rightarrow \frac{h}{I}=[T^{-1}] \Rightarrow$ dimension of frequency


(b) $F=\frac{G M_1 m_2}{r^{2}} \Rightarrow G=\frac{F r^{2}}{M_1 m_2}$

$\therefore$ dimension of $G$ is $\frac{[MLT^{-2}][L^{2}]}{[M][M]}$

$ =[M^{-1} L^{3} T^{-2}] $