Nuclei - Result Question 68

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69. A nucleus $ _n^{m} X$ emits one $\alpha$-particle and two $\beta$-particles. The resulting nucleus is [2011, 1998]

======= ####69. A nucleus $ _n^{m} X$ emits one $\alpha$-particle and two $\beta$-particles. The resulting nucleus is [2011, 1998]

3e0f7ab6f6a50373c3f2dbda6ca2533482a77bed:content/english/neet-pyq-chapterwise/physics/nuclei/nuclei— (a) $ _{n-4}^{m-6} Z$

(b) $ _n^{m-6} Z$

(c) $ _n^{m-4} X$

(d) $ _{n-2}^{m-4} Y$

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Correct Answer: 69. (c)


  1. (c) When $ _n^{m} X$ emits one $\alpha$-particle then its atomic mass decreases by 4 units and atomic number by 2 . Therefore, the new nucleus becomes $ _{n-2}^{m-4} Y$. But as it emits two $\beta^{-}$particles, its atomic number increases by 2 . Thus the resulting nucleus is $ _n^{m-4} X$.

No radioactive substance emits both $\alpha$ and $\beta$ particles simultaneously. Also, $y$ rays are emitted after the emission of $\alpha$ or beta particle.