Nuclei - Result Question 49

50. If the binding energy per nucleon in $ _3 Li^{7}$ and $ _2 He^{4}$ nuclei are respectively $5.60 MeV$ and 7.06

$MeV$, then the energy of proton in the reaction

$ _3 Li^{7}+p \to 2 _2 He^{4}$ is


(a) $19.6 MeV$

(b) $2.4 MeV$

(c) $8.4 MeV$

(d) $17.3 MeV$

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Correct Answer: 50. (d)


  1. (d) Applying principle of energy conservation, Energy of proton

$=$ total B.E. of $2 \alpha-$ energy of $Li^{7}$

$=8 \times 7.06-7 \times 5.6$

$=56.48-39.2=17.28 MeV$