Nuclei - Result Question 10

10. $M_n$ and $M_p$ represent mass of neutron and proton respectively. If an element having atomic mass $M$ has $N$-neutron and $Z$-proton, then the correct relation will be

(a) $M<[N M_n+Z M_p]$


(b) $M>[N M_n^{n}+Z M_p^{p}]$

(c) $M=[N M_n^{n}+Z M_p^{p}]$

(d) $M=N[M_n^{n}+M_p]$

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Correct Answer: 10. (a)


  1. (a) Given : Mass of neutron $=M_n$

Mass of proton $=M_p$; Atomic mass of the element $=M$; Number of neutrons in the element $=N$ and number of protons in the element $=Z$. We know that the atomic mass $(M)$ of any stable nucleus is always less than the sum of the masses of the constituent particles.

Therefore, $M<[N M_n+Z M_p]$.

$X$ is a neutrino, when $\beta$-particle is emitted.