Moving Charges and Magnetism - Result Question 36

37. When a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration $a_0$ towards west. When it is projected towards north with a speed $v_0$ it moves with an initial acceleration $3 a_0$ towards west. The electric and magnetic fields in the room are respectively


(a) $\frac{m a_0}{e}$ west, $\frac{2 m a_0}{e v_0}$ down

(b) $\frac{m a_0}{e}$ east, $\frac{3 m a_0}{e v_0}$ up

(c) $\frac{m a_0}{e}$ east, $\frac{3 m a_0}{e v_0}$ down

(d) $\frac{m a_0}{e}$ west, $\frac{2 m a_0}{e v_0}$ up

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Correct Answer: 37. (a)


  1. (a)

When moves with an acceleration $a_0$ towards west, electric field

$E=\frac{F}{q}=\frac{m a_0}{e}$ (West)

When moves with an acceleration $3 a_0$ towards east, magnetic field

$B=\frac{2 m a_0}{e v_0}$ (downward)