Motion in a Straight Line - Result Question 46

48. Three different objects of masses $m_1, m_2$ and $m_3$ are allowed to fall from rest and from the same point $O$ along three different frictionless paths. The speeds of the three objects on reaching the ground will be in the ratio of


(a) $m_1: m_2: m_3$

(b) $m_1: 2 m_2: 3 m_3$

(c) $1: 1: 1$

(d) $\frac{1}{m_1}: \frac{1}{m_2}: \frac{1}{m_3}$

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Correct Answer: 48. (c)


  1. (c) The speed of an object, falling freely due to gravity, depends only on its height and not on its mass $V=\sqrt{2 g h}$. Since the paths are frictionless and all the objects fall through the same height, therefore, their speeds on reaching the ground will be in the ratio of $1: 1: 1$.