Magnetism and Matter - Result Question 5

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8. Current is flowing in a coil of area $A$ and number of turns $N$, then magnetic moment of the coil, $M$ is

======= ####8. Current is flowing in a coil of area $A$ and number of turns $N$, then magnetic moment of the coil, $M$ is

3e0f7ab6f6a50373c3f2dbda6ca2533482a77bed:content/english/neet-pyq-chapterwise/physics/magnetism-and-matter/magnetism-and-matter— (a) $NiA$

(b) $\frac{N i}{A}$

(c) $\frac{N i}{\sqrt{A}}$

(d) $N^{2} A i$


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Correct Answer: 8. (a)


  1. (a) Magnetic moment linked with one turn $=i A$ Magnetic moment linked with,

$N$ turns $=i N A amp-m^{2}$. Here, $A=$ Area of current loop.