Laws of Motion - Result Question 25

25. Three blocks with masses $m, 2 m$ and $3 m$ are connected by strings as shown in the figure. After an upward force F is applied on block $m$, the masses move upward at constant speed $v$. What is the net force on the block of mass $2 m$ ? ( $g$ is the acceleration due to gravity)


(a) $2 mg$

(b) $3 mg$

(c) $6 mg$

(d) zero

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Correct Answer: 25. (d)


  1. (d)

From figure

$F=6 mg$,

As speed is constant, acceleration $a=0$

$\therefore 6 mg=6 ma=0, F=6 mg$

$\therefore T=5 mg, T^{\prime}=3 mg$

$T^{\prime \prime}=0$

$F _{\text{net }}$ on block of mass $2 m$

$=T-T^{\prime}-2 mg=0$

As all blocks are moving with constant speed, then acceleration is zero, so force is zero.

$\because v=$ constant

so, $a=0$, Hence, $F _{\text{net }}=m a=0$