Laws of Motion - Result Question 13

13. A ball of mass $150 g$, moving with an acceleration $20 m / s^{2}$, is hit by a force, which acts on it for 0.1 sec. The impulsive force is


(a) $0.5 N$

(b) $0.1 N$

(c) $0.3 N$

(d) $1.2 N$

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Correct Answer: 13. (c)


  1. (c) Mass $=150 gm=\frac{150}{1000} kg$

Force $=$ Mass $\times$ acceleration

$ =\frac{150}{1000} \times 20 N=3 N $

Impulsive force $=F \cdot \Delta t=3 \times 0.1=0.3 N$