Gravitation - Result Question 30

31. A particle of mass $M$ is situated at the centre of spherical shell of mass $M$ and radius $a$. The magnitude of the gravitational potential at a point situated at $a / 2$ distance from the centre, will be


(a) $\frac{2 GM}{a}$

(b) $\frac{3 GM}{a}$

(c) $\frac{4 GM}{a}$

(d) $\frac{GM}{a}$

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Correct Answer: 31. (b)


(b) $V_P=V _{\text{spherical shell }}+V _{\text{particle }}$

$ =\frac{G M}{a}+\frac{G M}{a / 2}=\frac{3 G M}{a} $

At every point, inside a spherical shell of radius $R$, the gravitational potential is same as that on that surface of the shell, i.e.,

$ V=-\frac{G M}{R} $