Current Electricity - Result Question 90

95. In the circuits shown below, the readings of the voltmeters and the ammeters will be : [2019]

Circuit 1

Circuit 2 (a) $V_2>V_1$ and $i_1=i_2$

(b) $V_1=V_2$ and $i_1>i_2$

(c) $V_1=V_2$ and $i_1=i_2$

(d) $V_2>V_1$ and $i_1>i_2$

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Correct Answer: 95. (c)


  1. (c) Resistance for ideal voltmeter $=\infty$ Resistance for ideal ammeter $=0$ For I ${ }^{\text{st }}$ circuit,

$ V_1=i_1 \times 10=\frac{10}{10} \times 10=10 volt $

For II ${ }^{\text{nd }}$ circuit,

$ \begin{aligned} & V_2=i_2 \times 10=\frac{10}{10} \times 10=10 \text{ volt } \\ & V_1=V_2 \text{ and, } i_1=i_2=\frac{10 V}{10 \Omega}=1 A \end{aligned} $