Current Electricity - Result Question 32

34. Two wires of the same metal have same length, but their cross-sections are in the ratio 3:1. They are joined in series. The resistance of thicker wire is $10 \Omega$. The total resistance of the combination will be


(a) $10 \Omega$

(b) $20 \Omega$

(c) $40 \Omega$

(d) $100 \Omega$

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Correct Answer: 34. (c)


  1. (c) Length of each wire $=\ell$; Area of thick wire $(A_1)=3 A$; Area of thin wire $(A_2)=A$ and resistance of thick wire $(R_1)=10 \Omega$. Resistance

$(R)=\rho \frac{\ell}{A} \propto \frac{1}{A}$ (if $\ell$ is constant)

$\therefore \frac{R_1}{R_2}=\frac{A_2}{A_1}=\frac{A}{3 A}=\frac{1}{3}$

or, $R_2=3 R_1=3 \times 10=30 \Omega$

The equivalent resistance of these two resistors in series

$=R_1+R_2=30+10=40 \Omega$.