Alternating Current - Result Question 41

43. The primary winding of a transformer has 500 turns whereas its secondary has 5000 turns. The primary is connected to an A.C. supply of $20 V$, $50 Hz$. The secondary will have an output of


(a) $2 V, 5 Hz$

(b) $200 V, 500 Hz$

(c) $2 V, 50 Hz$

(d) $200 V, 50 Hz$

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Correct Answer: 43. (d)


  1. (d) The transformer converts A.C. high voltage into A.C. low voltage, but it does not cause any change in frequency. The formula for voltage is

$\frac{E_s}{E_p}=\frac{N_s}{N_p} \Rightarrow E_s=\frac{N_s}{N_p} \times E_p$

$=\frac{5000}{500} \times 20=200 V$

Thus, output has voltage $200 V$ and frequency $50 Hz$.