Alternating Current - Result Question 30

32. In an experiment, 200 V A.C. is applied at the ends of an LCR circuit. The circuit consists of an inductive reactance $(X_L)=50 \Omega$, capacitive reactance $(X_C)=50 \Omega$ and ohmic resistance $(R)$ $=10 \Omega$. The impedance of the circuit is


(a) $10 \Omega$

(b) $20 \Omega$

(c) $30 \Omega$

(d) $40 \Omega$

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Correct Answer: 32. (a)


  1. (a) Given: Supply voltage $(V _{a c})=200 V$

Inductive reactance $(X_L)=50 \Omega$

Capacitive reactance $(X_C)=50 \Omega$

Ohmic resistance $(R)=10 \Omega$.

We know that impedance of the LCR circuit (Z)


$=\sqrt{{(50-50)^{2}+(10)^{2}}}=10 \Omega$