Alternating Current - Result Question 18

18. A coil of self-inductance $L$ is connected in series with a bulb $B$ and an $AC$ source. Brightness of the bulb decreases when


(a) number of turns in the coil is reduced

(b) a capacitance of reactance $X_C=X_L$ is included in the same circuit

(c) an iron rod is inserted in the coil

(d) frequency of the $AC$ source is decreased

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Correct Answer: 18. (c)


  1. (c) By inserting iron rod in the coil,

$L \uparrow Z \uparrow I \downarrow$ so brightness $\downarrow$

Inductive reactance, $X_L=\omega L$. On inserting iron rod in the coil, $L$ increases. As a result Impedance $Z=\sqrt{X_L^{2}+R^{2}}=\sqrt{(\omega L)^{2}+R^{2}}$ also increases. So, Current, $I=\frac{V}{Z}$ decreases.